Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snatch and Clean & Jerk

135 - Failed - wasn't aggressive enough and dropped it in the hole

Clean & Jerk:
185 - pressed it at the top
185 - couldn't complete the clean, realized how drained I was from the last three days of training
155 x 3 x 1 (155 three times in a row, just practicing technique and explosiveness)

Dead Hang Pullups: 3x max reps

Knees to elbows, three sets of 10 reps

1 comment:

  1. You are doing a lot of volume, plus do not underestimate the CNS damage the olifts (I mean the full lifts, not some hang power version) cause. I can not do the volume you are doing. My olifts go bad fast (I lose both speed and coordination). I never had this problem doing powerlifting/bodybuilding or even when I follow everyday for about a year.

    Even after 2days of doing both the c&J and the snatch, I think that might even be too much for me. Dan John writes about this..."our highs are too low and our lows are too high". This quote refers to training intensity...we do not hit our high highs enough and we do not "rest enough", aka our lows (rest) are too high (too much on rest days). Just something to think about.
