Thursday, January 14, 2010

Clean & Jerk and Snatch

Clean & Jerk:
185 x 1
185 x 1
185 x 1
195 - Failed
195 - Failed

Lack the leg strength to get out of the hole on the cleans at 195. I'm able to shoot my elbows through and get under the bar, but I can't stand up out of the hole with 195.

135 x 1
135 - Failed: Pat talks about liking the OLY lifts for many reasons: strength, power, speed, accuracy, agility, coordination, balance and FOCUS (what Pat calls "Real Mental Toughness"). I wasn't focused, and I dropped it. Simple as that. So I got focused and went for it again:
135 x 1
135 x 1
135 x 1

Got all three after getting my head focused. Plus Tom and Garth were watching me, so I couldn't mess it up!

Dead hang pullups:

Ab Ripper X

1 comment:

  1. I saw a little bit of a "press" in your 135LB snatches. :) (kidding)

    Good lifts, Dave. Pat gave me a nice tip about bar placement when overhead that I passed along to you.

    "The bar, when overhead, should be directly over where your leg meets your foot."

    Don't let the weight get too far behind you like it did on the first and second lift.

    Nice work Davey boy!
